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eDocument Management

Replacing bulky documents with online document management

Be Organized By Saving files in Document Module

From confirmation of employees to accepting resignations, dealing with paperwork is constant in human resources. For an HR manager, storing all the documents and keeping them safe for a longer period can be difficult due to computer viruses or other issues that might come later.

With Radiant Workforce, dealing with documents is no more a hectic task. You can now easily organize them, keep track of all the confirmation letters, bank letters, resignations, etc with just one easy-to-use document module.

Document Tag

Document tag helps you to secure the employee details that include name, address, phone, joining date, department, etc. You can also use these tags in creating document templates.

Document Type

Here you can update different document types of employees from confirmation to joining letter.

Document Editor

Easily create an employee’s document here by selecting the type and name of the employee.